Saturday, July 10, 2010

Without being offensive to women, but isn't your love for sale?

The reason I say that is because if you open your eyes and look around, the vast majority of the most beautiful women date men with money.

So that tells me that on the most basic human, animalistic level, women sell themselves to the richest guy who is willing to treat them nice and take care of them.

The fact that rich men have the prettiest women is not just coincidence.

Love for sale:

Any person who denies that love is/ can be sold...

...Either just doesn't like the phrase 'love for sale'...

...Or cannot believe that love can have a price tag...

...Or she is a liar...

...Or she is a long-forgotten romantic who puts love first, above all else.

Who turns her on:

Don't believe what a woman says (for she often doesn't speak with her head) - but observe which man she picks/ ends up with (which may often be surprising).

You're really generalising here.

Some women do. Some men do. Some women don't. Some men don't.

It's not a gender issue, it all depends on the individual, their mindset, values, etc. etc.

Models aren't really a good example to use - since they chose a career centralised around something as superficial as their looks, they certainly are going to be quite superficial when looking for a mate as well.

Beauty is also relative - what you see as beautiful, another may find downright ugly and vice-versa.

I, very little about money. I don't want to be living paycheque to paycheque, so I do want my partner and I to make a decent amount of money. Wealthy though? I don't care to be wealthy financially. After we die, money has no meaning whatsoever anyhow.

What's important to me is the things you'd have to deal with every day - their personality, intellect, connection with you, beliefs, etc. I'd rather be living paycheque to paycheque with someone I deeply connect with and love, than living with someone that has tons of money but I have a mediocre relationship with.

I'd also have to say, it would also have a lot to do with what people you hang around with. Quite generally, people with less money are around people with less money as well. People with more money tend to be around people with more money too.
Well that's them

yeah money is a plus but i would give up everything just to have a real love
sorta true, but there is a biological basis for it. you go with the man that will be able to provide security and comfort to you and your offspring. also means a good genetic pool to dip into for your offspring.

Jealousy and a sour, judgemental personality aren't attractive to anyone, of any income level or 'beauty level.'
It's offensive to me, because I have never dated a guy for money and sometimes I have suffered from it greatly, but I juat can't see myself pretending that I like somebody just for money.
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